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6/11/2024 Release Notes


Restriction on Editing Funding Source Billing Items

Users are no longer able to edit the rate or start dates for existing funding source billing items.

This change has been introduced to address issues that caused significant delays in server-side operations, such as updating calendar trips, importing trips via API, and merging customer data. By restricting these edits, we aim to:

  • Enhance system performance: Reducing the processing time for critical operations.
  • Ensure data integrity: By maintaining consistent and accurate billing information.

For users needing to adjust billing rates or start dates, please refer to our knowledge base article for detailed instructions on how to end date a current rate and apply a new rate with a new start date.

Limitation on Trip Charge Updates to One Year in the Past

Trip charges can now only be updated for up to one year in the past.

This new limitation is designed to prevent similar extensive server-side processes as updating existing rates, that could impact the overall system performance. Previously, there were no restrictions, which occasionally led to delays and issues across other parts of the system.

If you need to make updates for trip charges older than one year, please contact our support team at for assistance.

For further information or assistance, please reach out to 

Warm Regards,

The MediRoutes Development Team