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1/18/2024 Release Notes

External API Updates:

  • Enhanced Status Codes in getRidesByDate: The status codes in the 'getRidesByDate' function have been updated for consistency with webhooks and the trip status endpoint. This change allows users to more efficiently reconcile trip statuses for past dates in a single API call, streamlining the data retrieval process.
  • Critical Fix for Vectorcare 500 Errors: We've resolved a major issue causing 500 errors that significantly impacted all Vectorcare users. This fix restores full functionality to the Vectorcare API, ensuring smooth and reliable trip request processing.

Nightly Jobs

  • Populating Routes and Calendar Trips : We identified a problem where  Calendar Trips and Routes were not populating.  This update will correct this problem so that Calendar Trips and Routes are populated nightly, and to ensure no trips or routes that should have been populated are missed. 

Web Client Development:

  • Preparatory Backend Update: A minor update has been deployed in preparation for future development. This change is part of our continuous improvement process and does not directly impact the user experience. 


These updates reflect our commitment to optimizing our platform's performance and reliability for all users and integrations.

Warm Regards, 

The MediRoutes Development Team