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1/9/2024 Release Notes


Desktop Updates:
  • Vectorcare Space Types Mapping: New Functionality has been added to Desktop for the Vectorcare Integration.  Users can now map custom space types from their Vectorcare portal to MediRoutes space types.  To do this, edit the funding source setup with the Vectorcare integration and navigate to the Brokerage Mapping tab. 

  • Updating Times for Routes that Have Not Pulled Out: On the dispatch screen, the ETA of the Pull-Out Event will now be updated to the current time, if the driver has not pulled out.  This should ensure that if a driver is late logging into the Mobile app and starting their day, that the ETA of events on  their scheduled continues to update. 
  • Modivcare Driver Merge Bug Fix: Corrected a rare bug that was clearing out email addresses during driver merges. Impacted records have been fixed, and measures are in place to prevent future occurrences.
  • Modivcare Trip History Address Change Logging: Resolved an issue where address changes from Modivcare were not being logged in the change history, eliminating potential confusion.

Modivcare API Updates:

  • Null Reference Exception Fix: Addressed a limited-impact issue identified through API response monitoring, improving overall API reliability.
  • Fix for Ride Receipt Process: Fixed an issue with the Ride Receipt setting that was not properly obfuscating the trip costs to Modivcare.  This update ensures that for customers that have Ride Receipt enabled, billed amount will not be available for Modivcare until Ride Receipts are submitted through the API Submission screen.  This update would only impact customers who have Ride Receipt enabled for Modivcare (

  • Scheduled Webhooks Through Template Scheduling: Fixed an issue where Modivcare would not be sent the initial scheduled webhook, if the trip was scheduled from a template.  We hope that this addresses a problem with Modivcare billing where the claims on the Modivcare portal would be populated with no driver.

External API Updates:

  • Support for Vectorcare Space Type Mapping: Updated the API to support the new Vectorcare space type mapping.
  • API Documentation Redirect: The website will now directs users to our updated API documentation site. This site will have the same information as the previously site, but be in an easier to read and more modern format. 

  • Mobile Server Errors: Resolved a 'Server Error' issue that would occasionally show up in the mobile app after no-shows was performed by a driver.  

Notifications Beta Updates:

  • Canceled Trip Notifications: Fixed an issue where notifications were still being sent for canceled trips through scheduled notifications. 
  • Filter Options Functionality: Resolved a bug affecting filter options selection, where filter selections would not properly uncheck when select all was unselected on the Send Notifications screen. 
  • Confirmation Error Message Issue: Addressed an issue where customers received an error messages post-confirmation.
  • Various Critical Fixes: Implemented several fixes identified through application insights to enhance system stability and performance.

Web Application Updates:

  • Trip Cancellation and Unschedule Fix: Corrected an issue where canceling a scheduled trip from the trip list would not properly unschedule it, ensuring smoother operation.


These improvements demonstrate our ongoing dedication to advancing the functionality, dependability, and overall user experience of the MediRoutes platform. Warm Regards and Welcome to 2024!

The MediRoutes Development Team