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1/30/2024 Release Notes

External API Updates:

  • Fixed Patch SingleTrip Endpoint Bug: Resolved a significant issue where passenger comments and private comments were being completely removed during updates via the patch singletrip endpoint. This fix preserves vital comment data during trip modifications.

Notifications System Enhancements:

  • Correction for Future Trip Notification Scheduling: Addressed a specific bug affecting notifications scheduled 2-3 days in advance, which were erroneously sent for past trips. All affected schedules have been corrected, and new safeguards are in place to prevent recurrence. This issue was identified and rectified thanks to valuable beta user feedback.
  • Eliminated Misleading Error Message: Fixed an issue where an error message stating 'an error has occurred, please try again' was incorrectly sent to passengers during the confirmation process. 

Desktop Client Improvements:

  • Calendar Trip End Date Bug Fix: Addressed a critical bug where entering a calendar trip would wrongly set the trip's end date to the current date be default, leading to unintended trip removals if the Calendar trip was saved without noticing the end date. Customers who rely heavily on calendar trips are advised to review their schedules for any discrepancies.
  • Pull In ETA Display Resolution: Solved a problem where the Pull In ETA was not displaying at all, ensuring this crucial information is now accurately shown.
  • Random Shopping ETA and Distance Display Issue: Addressed a sporadic bug affecting the accuracy of Shopping ETA and distances. While the impact was minimal, this fix enhances the reliability of these calculations.

We appreciate the feedback and patience of our user community as we continually work to improve our services.

Warm Regards, 

The MediRoutes Development Team