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2/14/2024 Release Notes

Desktop Client Updates:

  • Space Type Mapping Fixes: Corrected issues with saving and retrieving space type mappings, enhancing the consistency and reliability of user-defined mappings.
  • User Account Creation Validation: Updated the system to prevent the creation of user accounts with spaces, addressing login and password reset issues.
  • White Label WMR Link Option: Introduced a White Label checkbox for the WMR link, allowing users to specify that they want to send a branded WMR link for a premium experience.


MTM API Updates:

  • Resolved Integration Conflicts: Fixed issues arising from invalid settings at the funding source level  that conflicted with the MTM integration.  This should reduce the need for clients to rely on the sync function for trip postings, ensuring smoother operation with the MTM API.

External API Updates:

  • Comment Field Character Limit Enforcement: Implemented a restriction to prevent comment fields from exceeding 4000 characters in vectorcare requests. This measure addresses errors related to excessive request payload sizes, improving data processing reliability. Note: This may result in some vectorcare data not being populated in comments if it exceeds the limit.
  • Request Formatting Corrections: Removed escape sequences and double spaces from vectorcare requests to prevent malformed submissions, ensuring trips are processed correctly.

Web Platform Updates:

  • Select All Functionality for Proximity Alerts: Fixed a bug where the select all option was not working for proximity alert templates, streamlining the setup process.
  • Duplicate Voice Message Prevention: Implemented a fix to stop duplicate voice messages from being sent for proximity alerts, mirroring previous corrections for text messages and enhancing the user experience.

These updates reflect our commitment to continuously improving our platform's functionality, stability, and user experience. We value your feedback and are dedicated to providing solutions that meet your operational needs.

Warm Regards, 

The MediRoutes Development Team