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2/5/2024 Release Notes

Web Application Updates:

  • Updated Trips DataGrid Filters: We've streamlined the trip status filters for improved usability. Users can now filter trips using five intuitive options: Scheduled, Unscheduled, Canceled, Is Will Call, and Was Will Call. This update simplifies the user interface by removing previously confusing filters and is expected to enhance the overall user experience with more intuitive navigation.

  • Tiered Pricing for Notifications: Made a few internal enhancements to support the new tiered pricing model for our notifications feature, designed to cater to a wide range of user needs:

    • Standard: Basic notification services without a WMR (Where's My Ride) link.
    • Professional: Includes a WMR link for enhanced user engagement.
    • Enterprise: Offers a white-labeled WMR link, providing the highest level of customization and brand integration.
    • Action Required: Users are encouraged to migrate to the new notifications feature by March 8th to ensure no disruption of their notification functionality.  Detailed information and guidance will be available through our desktop splash screens and marketing communications, including a webinar designed to facilitate the transition.
  • Enhancements to Notifications Report: The notifications report has been upgraded to reflect the new tiered pricing structure. Users can now click within a section to view a detailed breakdown of usage across the three tiers, enabling more precise monitoring and planning of notification-related expenses.

These updates are part of our ongoing effort to refine our services and provide users with a seamless, intuitive experience. We're committed to leveraging your feedback to continually improve our platform.

Warm Regards, 

The MediRoutes Development Team