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5/1/2024 Release Notes

Notifications System Enhancements:

  • WMR Notifications Fix: Corrected a configuration issue where WMR notifications from the web dispatch were directed to an older service, causing errors during sending. This fix ensures that notifications are sent without errors, minimizing disruptions for users attempting to send notifications directly from the dispatch WMR prompt.
  • Refined Notifications Reports: Updated notifications usage report to display notifications usage categorized into the three pricing tiers.

    • Starter Tier: Charges $0.05 per segment for plain text notifications.
    • Professional Tier: Charges $0.10 per segment for notifications including a WMR link.
    • Enterprise Tier: Charges $0.20 per segment for notifications with a white labeled or customer-branded WMR link.

Desktop Fixes and System Updates:

  • Hotfix for Vehicle Addition: Resolved an issue that was preventing users from adding new vehicles. This fix ensures seamless vehicle creation within the system.
  • User Role Persistence Fix: Addressed a bug where the user role for desktop and web applications was being removed when updates were made directly in the employee datagrid. This correction enhances data integrity and user management.
  • Change History for User Roles: Fixed an issue preventing updates to user roles from being reflected in the change history, ensuring all changes are accurately logged.

We continue to make regular updates across all environments, guided by user feedback and collaborative efforts between support and development teams. Users can expect continual enhancements and new features as part of our commitment to improving user experience and system functionality.

Warm Regards, 

The MediRoutes Development TEam