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4/15/2024 Release Notes

Desktop Client Updates:

  • Upgrade Reminder for Deprecated Versions: Users of older desktop versions are reminded to upgrade to the newest version to access all the latest updates, fixes, and new functionality which are only available through the new desktop installer. No updates will be available for previous versions until users switch to the new version.
    • Deadline for Upgrade: We are targeting sometime in May as the deadline for all users to transition to the updated version.
    • Current Version Users: Users who are already on version 4.0.0.X of the desktop do not need to take any further action as they are already using the latest installer.

Web Client Fixes:

  • Dispatch Screen Time Display Issue Resolved: Corrected an issue where "invalid times" were displayed on the dispatch screen, which stemmed from a recent update aimed at aligning the display times with the account's time format settings.

Warm Regards, 

The MediRoutes Development Team