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Desktop Release

MTM API Update:

  • New Space Type in Funding Source Mapping: We've introduced a new space type to the funding source mapping in the MTM API. This enhancement is designed to provide more detailed and accurate funding source information for better financial tracking and reporting.

Desktop Server Enhancements:

  • Driver Cancellation Reasons Available in Reports: Reports and the home datagrid will now include a field for driver cancellation reasons. An additional update will be made to our Mobile application in the future where we will fully detail these new feature.   
  • Fix For Payee / Commission Charges: Addressed and resolved an issue where commissions were not correctly populating on trips. This fix ensures accurate financial reporting and commission tracking.
  • Payee / Commission in Trip History: Fixed a discrepancy where trip history was displaying the trip charge instead of the payee charge. This update brings more clarity and accuracy to financial records.

These updates are part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the functionality and user experience of our platform.

Warm Regards, 

The MediRoutes Development Team